(this is a veiw from the side of the cake because I didn't get anymore...and also I couldn't figure out how to rotate it so y'all will just have to turn your computer screen sideways to see it correctly) August 27th/Friday-Got up early and started on the cake. Got done about 2 hours before the wedding. Transported the cake in 101°F weather (it melted a bit). Got to the wedding and fixed hair and then helped serve afterwards (it was a night wedding). Went to a friends house after the wedding reception and helped them pack and move.
August 28th/Saturday-At 6:30 AM we got home from helping our friends move. Got up at 8:00 AM to go on a Sunday School Field Trip with all the little kids (some of us "older kids" went too). I was living on a couple (seemed like a few minutes) of sleep. We went to see "Alice and the Wonderland" in a local theater (it's kinda of small). The play was put on mostly by kids (there was 2 teenagers playing King and Queen). Well, since I was living off of a couple hours of sleep EVERYTHING was funny! I can't really explain what really happened, but there were 2 little boys pushing around ficus trees and pretending they were heavy and I cracked up! I was laughing so hard I was crying and everyone around was laughing at me because I was laughing which made me laugh even harder! Got home at about 3 pm and I went to bed and slept for FOREVER! :)
Hahaha! These girls were funny! Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum :)
BY THE WAY..... I hate (and I know hate is a strong word but I feel the need to use it in this case) blogging because I HATE comma's (as you all tell...i hardly ever use them) LOL!
Don't worry if your tasks are small and rewards are few, remember that the mighty oak was once a nut like you!