Hmmm............ What do I have to say today? I was asked to post everyday by one of my new blog readers BUT I don't have much to say to the public....that might be difficult to comprehend if you know me! :) So, I am supposed to be making hair accessories for this lady in our church who has started selling kids clothes. I am really excited! Anyhow...I have found a style of clothes I REALLY like. It's a cross between vintage, modern and funky. So would it be called Fundernage? Whatever! Used to when I went shopping I just bought what ever I found that fit okay and what everyone else thought was "in" but I have found that fashion is in one day and the next day it's out again so I might as well find a style I like and just run with it. :) A few weeks ago I was talking to a lady I know and she was critiquing someones style but yet her style is kind of older...which I am not putting down bc Vintage is coming back out and that was from years and years ago so one of these days what she is wearing will be in style again. :) People have different styles period. If we all had the same style and if we all looked alike this world would be a mighty boring place because it would just be a lot of the same person everywhere...scary, huh? :) We all have to try some risks in fashion one time or another...sometimes some people can go too far but thats their choice. So, if you are someone who is wanting to try something new but afraid of what others think....forget about them and TRY IT! If you are like me and depend on other peoples opinion...just ask them if they have any tips or suggestions for you to try and from there you can decide if you want to go for what they are suggesting or if you want to go with your gut feeling...most of the time your gut won't let you down (unless you are get the point!). ANYWAY......I will get off my soapbox now and maybe go shopping for a new wardrobe for the Fall/Winter! :) INSPIRATION!!!!! Gotta Love It! :)
Until next time.........
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
"...nothing but a hounddog...."
Well......I never could figure out how on earth to get a video posted and I didn't want to look like a dummy and ask for I didn't and now I am telling the whole world (or a couple of people in the world) why I didn't ask for help. AND that didn't make any sense at all and I don't care! :) ANYHOW, I started a youtube account because I have several of videos I want to put up here and I couldn't figure out how to run the blogger one (didn't we just go through this?!). So, yeah! I have had a grand ol' time this month! Birthday parties, youth outings, church, musical practice, hanging out with friends, school, babysitting, making crafts, eating, sleeping, washing dishes, sweeping, cleaning, sneezing and the list goes on and on!!!!! :) So, here are a few pictures and I will be uploading videos later. Good day!
Little Man's 1st bday
Alaina and I last night after the kids musical practice (and yes...that is a GIANT flower on my head... Jerry, don't be hatin'!) :)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Blog, blog, blog.......
Blogging takes FOREVER...unlike quick posts on Twitter and Face Book! Man, we live in a stop and go world....too much FAST food and not enough "turtle" cheesecake!!! :) Soooo.....some REALLY exciting things are happening at our church! We are looking to buy a mobile stage so we can go into the city, set up stage and have a FULL BLOWN SERVICE!!!!!! And, we also have serveral things set up for the Christmas helping in a Soup Kitchen, Operation Christmas Child and volunteering at the local Salvation Army. I am so glad that the vision that God has blessed my Pastor with is becoming reality! God is doing AWESOME things in our youth group and in our 5 daughter works also! It is SUPER exciting! Anyhow, I thought I would bring everyone up to date on a peice of my life. :) Next post will probably be about our youth class and what we have been talking about on Sunday's.
Stay tuned for more news, ramblings and pictures! :)
Gooodnight and Happy St. Patrick's Day! :) =) ;)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Piano Fingers, Papers and Best Actress
2 Blogpost. Same day. Few minutes apart from each other. No, it's not a violation of the "blog law". Thanks for asking though! :)
So last Sunday night after church Alaina, Natalie and I decided we had nothing to do sooo..........Natalie was going to play us a song on the piano and entertain us. She did just that! The girl is hilarious! Her fingers got all tangled up! I have a video but that will have to come later. :)
Then we got bored again SOOOO we decided to collect ALL of the papers that people had left at church and read them....#1 Tip if you don't want people reading the notes you write in church don't leave them there! :)....We found some pretty awesome (as in "crazy funny") papers! :) And we also got up in the choir risers and got our "special praise" on! :)
Where does the "Best Actress" come in? Well, we are doing a Chirtmas play called "It all happened in the Country" and Natalie plays the city girl (if you know Natalie you know that it fits her PERFECTLY!) This play is hilarious and I can't wait until we started on it (and about halfway through I will be ready to be done with it!) And I close this blog post on this note.........Friends are AWESOME even if they are 7 years younger than you! :)
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