Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Today was "Bake until you shake, plop and drop" day. The kids had a competition fundraiser. The kid who sold the most cakes got $50. The sold almost 200 cakes!!!!!!! So, I made 27 Strawberry Shortcakes today. I know what you are thinking.....actually I don't!....."wow that is a lot of cake!" I started at 2 pm and then at 4 pm Alaina and Natalie showed up to help.....and boyhowdy did we have some fun! We were wearing cake and strawberry jell-o from head to toe when we got done (which was somewhere around 11pm). All in all we had a spectastic day! Hope everyone else had the same! Over and Out!
Word. :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
.........the Texas Rangers win!!!!!!!!!! Now they are on their way to the World Series!!! YAY!!!!!! FYI: I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE liked sports but this year the Rangers set a new record and so everywhere I turn everyone seems to be talking about them...thought it wouldn't hurt to jump on the bandwagon. :)
SO......GO Texas Rangers!!! Make us Texans proud! :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Nothing worth telling.
Well, today has been a good day! :) Right now I am working on learning some new Spanish songs for our Spanish service this Sunday and blogging (duh!). I'm sooo ready for Thanksgiving! My mother already has it smelling like cinnamon, vanilla and pumkin in our house...and it is HEAVENLY! The other good thing about the Holiday's (other than the food) is I get to see the rest of the family...YAY! Anyways....that is all for now....no comment on the short blog post please! :)
(This is for you Aunt K. Happy now?! :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
I am liking this weather! But I can't wait for it to be in in the lower 50's....yaya! :) So I have been in the "don't want to do anything" mood....which isn't good seeing I have a TON of things to get done! So what to blog about? I have no earthly idea! Baaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
If anyone would like to know what I am up to just call or text.....if you don't have my number then lay in the middle of your living room, close your eyes, go to sleep and maybe you will dream up something. If you have a dream let me know then I will have something interesting to blog about! :)
Tune in next time for.........better blogging! :)
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