Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Star of Wonder.......
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010

My grandparents and all the grandkids....well, right now :)

Me and My brothers :)

My Dad and his Sisters :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010
....more thanks :)
16. Board Games! Because Thanksgiving evening would be really boring without them! :)
17. Cold weather! Because the heat drains me......and I love being able to wear Winter clothes!
18. Bright Colors. They cheer me up....and I love wearing them too! :)
19. Music! Because it's incredibly AWESOME!!!!!
20. And last but not least..........My Family...AGAIN! :) I love my Family soooo very much and the Holiday's makes me even more Thankful for them! They can make me smile, make me mad, make me sad but I will always LOVE them to death! :)
Well, that's all for now! Lets see if I can detatch myself from this couch....I think I ate too much....somebody order in the wheelchair!
"You'll Thank Me Later!"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
....and more thanks!
7. I am thankful for Cameras! :) Without cameras we would only have memories {some of us don't remember anything so we don't have memories! :) } and not have any photos to remember anything {wow! deep!} and we also wouldn't have anything to give to our great-great-grandkids when we die. LOL!
8. Calvin and Hobbs!!!!!! I love me some Calvin and Hobbs! :)
9. Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving. It's the only time of the year that pigging-out on food is allowed! :)
10. My queen size bed and extra fluffy pillow. Lan'sakes, chil', if I didn't have a bed and pillow i would be sleeping on the floor and that is no fun...unless you are at a sleepover! :)
11. My slippers and hot chocolate! They keep me warm on the cold days! :)
12. HUGE hair acessories! They help cover up mistakes and sometimes when I don't want to fix my hair they can make a granny bun look a lot better! :)
13. I am also thankful for Trees. Without them we wouldn't have any type of paper! :)
14. Texting. Whoever invented texting must have been sitting in a boring meeting.....I want to personally Thank whomever it was for creating it! Shore makes my life easier sometimes! :)
15. Face Book. Just one trip to Face Book can make my day brighter because of everyone who posts STUPID stuff on there...like "Well, I just made up my bed. Looks pretty neat! I will post a picture of it in a minute." or "There is a funny looking cloud in the sky. Has anyone seen it yet?" LOL!
Welp, I will post my last 5 in the morrow! :) Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE!!!!!!! "You'll thank me later!" :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
...and more Thanks :)
4. Bananas! I mean what would we do without bananas?! :) 5. My FREINDS! I love them to death! :) {{{A REALLY BIG shoutout to all my friends....has to be big since most of them live far away ;) }}} 6. My home, vehicle, clothes and shoes. Most people think they are a necessity to life when there are homeless people live without them everyday and are still alive. Thank God for blessing me! :)