Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Happy Bday to Me! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Today {yesterday}
Hahahaha!!!! That it was BUT it was also my lovely mommy's birthday! I can't believe it but she is still young and after 3 kids-2 of them being teenagers AND driving- she still doesn't have one gray hair that we can find. Must be a miracle...especially with all the stress I alone cause her! :) :) :) She is the best mother ever!!! Even though I can stay home by myself now (because I am a big girl now-hehe!) she will still stay with me when I am sick AND make me dinner AND bring me snacks in bed (yes I LOVE food, okay?!) until I am all better! But, more importantly she prays for me and always incourages me to never let anyone get me down and to do whatever I feel like God wants me to do with my life. You know how some people jump 'dreams' a lot? Like one day they want to be a photographer, the next day it's a chef, the next a police officer, the next an interior decorator, the next a lawyer, the next a designer, and etc. Well, with every dream I have ever thought was "what I want to do in life" she (and my dad) always incouraged me to go with it (and FYI: I have never wanted to be a police officer or a lawyer) :) I think it's pretty awesome that the day before her bday I got my buisness cards in the mail....something she has incouraged me to do often! I don't know who is reading this but I want to incourage you to never shut your parents out! They make mistakes (don't we all) but they almost ALWAYS know what is best for you no matter how much we think they are wrong. :) Mom, if you are reading this I want you to know that I love you very much and I will NEVER take for granted everything you have done for me or gave to me...not for as long as I live! Thank you for giving me life-even though I was very stubborn! I will love you always for it! I hope you had a very Happy Birthday....I will make dinner next time instead of you making your own (or how about we go to your favorite restaurant instead? JK! LOL!) Love you, Mom!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Photos of the day~
We had some AWESOME services today!!!! My Pastor is the best ever!!! He preached and sang...and knocked the ball out of the park, but he always does that! :) And we had a good Spanish service too. Our Spanish pastor's daughter help lead in worship with us today. She did a great job! Again-I love my job! :)
Also youth class was very good today! Bro. Alan taught "Purpose and Passion". I am so very thankful for my life!
So yesterday we had our very first Mobile Church Service. OMW!!!!!!! It was AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!! I can't wait until the next service in April! I will post those pictures real soon!
And here is my favorite picture from the weekend while at my brothers party....
Shhh....don't tell! She will kill me! :) I still love her though! ;) She is the bestest friend ever!!! =D
"GOODNIGHT, EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Peace, Love and lots of PEANUT BUTTER!!! :)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Month of Madness and Birthday's
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Happy March! ;)