God is doing AWESOME things in Fort Worth!!!!! It is SO incredible! First we will start with our Fun Bash on Saturday. What we did is we went to some apartment complexes right down the road from our church and set up our Mobile Stage for music and puppets. We also had free snacks, an iPod giveaway, prizes, soccer challenge, jump roping, hula hooping, a bounce house, and basketball. It was a blast!!!! And in result we had 12 new kiddos on the bus Sunday morning, and 7 new teenagers in our youth class!!!!! And, also, we had 6 baptized Sunday morning, and 5 out of the 6 received the Holy Ghost!!!!! God is MOVING in OUR CITY!!!!!!!!!! This past Sunday we also set up our Mobile Stage for church. We had a new location this time. It went over really well!!!! :) Here are some pictures for y'all. We took 549 pictures the whole weekend and there is no way I can put them all up, so I will have to pick and choose. :) ENJOY!!!!!
On our way there=

Bro. Vela- Our Bus Driver

Alan & Ginger- Our Youth Outreach Coordinators

Bro. Tim- Our Church Outreach Leader

Sis. Joan- Our Bus drivers wife

Monica, Autumn, Lianna & Phyllishia

Our Youth Photographer- Nathaniel :)

Alaina & I (with our windy do's)- Grand Prize/Sunday School Sign-up table

Camron & Jonathan- putting the net on the basketball hoop

Busy bee's filling the goodies bags with flyers fro Sunday School

Sis. Valerie (preaching :)-Sunday School Coordinator

Tyler :)

My mom skirting the table :)

Gin-self explanatory :)
The Results=

Some of the kiddos :)

The prize table

Valerie, Tim, Alan met a new friend....Kristy :)

Intense game of basketball :)

Bro. Marco- Our Spanish Work Pastor

Our ghetto way of hanging a piƱata...with an extension cord (the other end is tied to the basketball hoop) :)

Some more of the kids

Waiting for the prize giveaway :)

The iPod winner!!! :)

Praying...sooo sweet! :)

Ginger and her new little buddy, Jerome :)
On Our Way Back=

Sis. Rosa- Spanish Work Pastor's Wife :)

Alaina :)

Anabeth :)
Sunday Morning: On the Bus

Jerome- Our Next Bus Driver :)

Natalie- peeking over the bus bench :)

Singing "If you're Happy and you Know IT!" :)

Trianna & LaKeshia- At youth class

Jerome praying :) He was weeping, and it made my eyes water and my heart smile :)
He got baptized and got the Holy Ghost, as well as his soon-to-be step dad :)

Jessa & Aubrey-while their parents were getting ready for baptism. So cute and sweet!
Mobile Church=



Me & Christopher- Working as "spotters" to invite more people

AWWWW!!!! Our next Outreach leader! He was handing them out to everyone :)

Leading worship in Spanish.
Sunday was such an AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my Jesus!!!!! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Peace, Love, & SWEET PEACH TEA!!!! :)