Sooo I think it is time for a bedroom makeover....ya thank?! I DO!!!!! So here is the bedding I am getting,+product.marketingPriority&navCount=0&navAction=jump&color=&pushId=A_DEC_BEDDING&popId=APARTMENT&prepushId=&selectedProductSize= I LOVE everything about this bedding! :) And here are a few inspiration photos. :)

For those of you who know me, you know that I like all things abnormal and bright.....isn't that deer head CUTE?! I am totally NOT a "deer head person" but that is so awesome! AND the Fork and Knife curtains are to die for!!! :)

So vintage yet modern- Lovely!

Neat way to hang pictures....and 2 I am totally loving frames right now (of course they have to be spray painted first! :)

Vintage LOVE!

Now this is my type of dining room! Totally LOVING IT!

Sooo cheery! :)

Loving the pattern mixing!

ColoredChandy's are awesome!!!! :)

Love the colored furniture :)

Weird in a cool way :)

LOVE the idea

So different...but very neat! :) is my favorite site right now! I stalk it everyday :) Anyhow! :) Life is good....and I now can say I have blogged. :)
Peace, Love & Pinterest! :)