
Monday, November 26, 2012

True Friends Are Forever

I LOVE my friends!!!! They are simply the best....EVER!!!! A few of my friends and I had a photo shoot together and here are the results. :o) 

So, there you have it!!!! We had a blast and made lots of awesome memories that day. :o) I love Love LOVE all of my friends! That is it for now. :o)

Peace, Love & Friends

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ana & Ella's Baby Shower

Just a few more weeks and Ana Sophia and Ella Grayce Pixler will be here!!! :o) Can't wait to see their beautiful, sweet, and tiny faces! :o) But until they are here y'all will just have to see their baby shower pictures. :o) My Mom and I did the decor and we had a blast doing it for them. :o) And now for the pictures.....enjoy!

The cake was SOOO yummy!

And this is what happens when Natalie gets my camera. Priceless! Love these girls :o)

Ana & Ella's Mommy...and Noonie and Aunts :o)
And that is that! :o) Hope everyone has a great week!

Peace, Love & Peppermint Tea :o)