
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Picture Overload

So, I don't have enough time to write anything long or fancy, so I'll just post pictures....since that what most of you prefer anyhow. Heheheheh!!! Enjoy!
Chilling with Ana and Ella :o)

Ella Grayce and I 

Me and some of the youthies leading worship

Amanda and I @ SFC Kickoff service

Tammy and I @ SFC Kickoff service

Micah and I :o)

Ally and I on the trip home after SFC Kickoff service

Natalie, Ally and I on the trip home after SFC Kickoff service :o)

Lianna and I on the trip home after SFC Kickoff service

Lianna and I on the trip home after SFC Kickoff service- BEAUTIFUL :o)

The guys playing football with pastor @ the youth lucheon

Me, My brother and Kierra Sheard after her concert...my brothers HERO :o)

My Dad's Surprise 40th Bday Party decor
My Dad's Surprise 40th Bday Party decor

This is what happens when all of my friends desert me at Starbucks. Mwahaha!
Gia and I- This girl is a total HAM! :o)

Autumn-mum and I @ ReCre8 youth volleyball outing

Some of our ReCre8 students leading us in worship. So PROUD of them!!!

Wellio, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed the pictures! :o)

Peace, Love and My Mom's Homemade Mocha Cheesecake...the batter is the BEST! :o)