
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

***Bloggers Wanted***

I'm thinking of hiring someone to blog for me. Anybody up for the task? Hahahaha! Kidding! Some people blog quite religiously. Baffling! :o) I am waiting for my phone to sync with iTunes, installing a program on my laptop, downloading new songs for chorale practice, going through my emails, and listening to Tony Bennett radio on Pandora, so I figured I would just go ahead and give everyone (all five of you) an update. Multi-tasking at it's best. :o) 99.9% of my updates are pictures, so why change my method of updating now?! These pictures are basically from where I left off in October, so here they are....LOTS of them. :o)
Alaina playing for worship service at the main church. She's amazing!!!  Super proud!
Miss Gia-hyper at 8:00 AM

All matchy-matchy and totally unplanned. Love my crazy mom!

Ana and Ella 

LOVE it when Kelli comes home and we get hang out! Also, I LOVE to get to see new friends and meet more friends. :o)

Dynasty and Destiny-We met these twins while handing our flyers for Thanksgiving Dinner. They are ADORABLE and so sweet!

Rosedale Boys and Girls Club- Love these kiddos!

Our team heading out to feed the less fortunate a Thanksgiving dinner

Our team after helping feed almost 9,000 less fortunate

ReCre8 students MIT (Minister's In Training) hosted by our awesome Pastor.

Martin Boys and Girls Club- Love these kiddos!

Martin Boys and Girls Club- Love these kiddos!

Short trip to Okieville (Oklahoma) to see Kelli in concert.

Dinner after the concert.

Miss Ana Sophia- adore her!

Thanksgiving 2013-My grandmother, my aunts, and I

Thanksgiving 2013-The grandparents and grandkids

Thanksgiving 2013- LOVE my crazy family!

Thanksgiving 2013-Me, Nathaniel (brother), and my aunt.

Thanksgiving 2013- Pretty much describes me and my mom. :o) 

Iced in! We had church via webcast because of the ice storm.

Christmas Musial- 20's style :o)

Christmas Musial- My narrating buddies

Christmas Musial- Our "normal" picture :o)

Christmas Musial- Natty Patty and I

Christmas Musial- The SANGers :o)

Christmas party photo fun :o)

Ana Sophia and Ella Grayce- So hard to believe they are ONE! Where did time go?! Love these two girls!

Compass Conference- Dad was hiding, of course!

Compass Conference- Night 1 after party :oP

Compass Conference- Told you it was a party. hehehe!

Compass Conference- Day 2 with "The Frost Girls" :oD

Compass Conference- Day 2 with Nat King Cole the 2nd

Compass Conference- Day 2 with Crazy Lady Katy

Compass Conference- Day 2 with a couple of the Frosty's again

"The twins finally have someone their size to hang out with."-Chastity
Compass Conference- Day 2 with Bro. Ballestero. Love him! :o)
So now that Pandora has ran out of songs to play {Haha! Kidding!}, my phone is synced, my program is installed, I've downloaded all of the new songs (and listened to all of them), and all of my emails are sorted through....Whew, that's a lot!... I can share all of these photos with y'all and call it a night.

Peace, Love and Cough drops!

Now I am sharing.......................