
Monday, January 4, 2010

Super-de-duper-de Fun Times 2009-2010

Winter Heritage 2009-2010 was the absolute best!!!!!!! The services were amazing! I will never forget what God did in those services. I believe because of comittments made in those services this year will be better than the last! My Jesus is awesome!!!!!!! :)

And on top of all the great services I got to see my bestest friends and I got to meet some new friends. Here are a few pictures. Sorry it took so long!
Bro. Johnson Choir Brittany, Maissa and I Marissa and I Me and MeganKristen and I Kailea and I Brooke and I
Me and Britt
Me, Shelby, Marissa, Brittany and Brooke
Bro. Tim Pixler, Pastor Pixler and Sis. Jones

Kailea, Megan and I


The Bundys

AWW! I LOVE ALL your pics! They're so cute! I love the borders and words to added to all of them. You are so stinkin cute:)

The new blog look is adorable too. And... the top picture:) It's just ALL adorable okay;)

Love you lots!


Aww! Thank you, Britters! :) I'll send them to you through email so you can have them too.

Love you more than lots! :)