
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

~Heritage 2010

Heritage was great this year! The night services were UH-MA-ZING! Definitely changed my life for good! I got to hang out with some great friends from my youth group and with some of my best friends from out of town and got to meet more friends! I had a fun experiance at the hotel too! :) Let's just say we had a VERY grumpy neighbor who threatened to call the police on us if we didn't quit talking because she had to get up at 4:00 am....scared everyone half to death! On the way back our plane got delayed with us on it (they had to call out some people to look at it). Michelle was kind of freaking out about it and i was having fun at her expence! :) I made sure I didn't tell my mom about our delayed plane until I got home and I am glad I didn't because she freaked out and I wasn't even on the plane! :) The nature of a Mother...espcially since this was my first trip to ride a plane! :) Here are several of pictures....the rest will be posted on my Face Book.

Michelle getting the "wand" at DFW. :)

Leaving DFW Alaina and I: In the sky! Alaina and I: The first service Brittany and I: 2nd Morning Service Miz Brittany and I: 2nd Night Service.

Brooke and I: 2nd Night Service

Alaina, Me and Marissa: @ the Lock-In- 2nd Night

Brittany, Me, Kristen, Marissa, Brooke and Shelia @ the Lock-In. Love these Girls!
Alaina, Kristen and I @ the Lock-In Kristen and I: The last night Leonore, Sara, Kara and I: At Texas Road House Kara and I

Home Sweet Home!!!!

It was so good to be with some of my best friends! Just to see their smiling faces made the trip worth while!

I love y'all to death, girls! I hope y'all had a lot of fun...and I hope our "nice" neighbor didn't scare y'all too bad! :)


The Bundys

I LOVE the last picture of just us four. I'm gonna steal it okay?:)

I had SO much fun with you! It really was a blast.... even if the crazy psycho lady was RUDE and MEAN and RETARDED. You were fun...that's all that matters! Love you girly:) Can't wait until next time!:)

Brandon and Cindy Hill

Great pics Chas! Yes, and the last one is the best! :)