
Thursday, September 23, 2010

"...nothing but a hounddog...."

Well......I never could figure out how on earth to get a video posted and I didn't want to look like a dummy and ask for help....so I didn't and now I am telling the whole world (or a couple of people in the world) why I didn't ask for help. AND that didn't make any sense at all and I don't care! :) ANYHOW, I started a youtube account because I have several of videos I want to put up here and I couldn't figure out how to run the blogger one (didn't we just go through this?!). So, yeah! I have had a grand ol' time this month! Birthday parties, youth outings, church, musical practice, hanging out with friends, school, babysitting, making crafts, eating, sleeping, washing dishes, sweeping, cleaning, sneezing and the list goes on and on!!!!! :) So, here are a few pictures and I will be uploading videos later. Good day!

A couple of Sunday's ago every lady at our youth class was wearing some type of Black and White (except one)

Little Man's 1st bday

Natalie... Last Sunday evening at Spanish Service (i couldn't get her to look at me)

Alaina and I last night after the kids musical practice (and yes...that is a GIANT flower on my head... Jerry, don't be hatin'!) :)