Sunday, June 5, 2011
Stitched Together :)
I think God brings people into your life for a reason and most of the time we don't realize it. God brought this dear woman, Maleah, into my life a few years ago and it wasn't until recently I realized how much she has helped me. My confidence in myself and my talents have grown mostly because of this woman. She believes in me...and not just me, she also believes in others. She always tells me "You can do anything, just follow your dreams". And I have really taken that for granted. I thought people just said things like that to make someone feel better (most people do) but she really means it! One time I had made something, and I have this habit of pointing out my mistakes to others (and I think it's because I am afraid of what others might say if they seen the mistake and realized I messed up) and so I was showing her something I had made and getting her opinion (she is a professional seamstress) and asking her if she had any tips on how I could make it better, and then I pointed out my mistake and she kinda got on to me :) She said, "Mess-up's can look pretty and sometimes it gives whatever you are making a certain character." And that has stuck with me. I have always felt as if what I made wasn't perfect enough because every once in awhile you could see a thread that wasn't supposed to be seen or a petal was out of place, but she has helped me see that my best might not always be perfect but at least I tried. :) I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for this dear lady! I Love you so much, Sis. Maleah and anywhere I go in life I'll be sure to remember that you are the one that helped me get there and succeed! :) :) :)
Peace, Love & Giant CHEESE balls!

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aww! sweet!! :)
I love her too ..She has always been really encouraging !!
Okay...you look super skinny!! Chas! How much weight have you lost?! I need to see you. NOW. Seriously. Maybe we can plan a Saturday meet in the middle trip or something! :)
LOL!@Marissa- I have lost almost 25lbs :) Sounds like a plan!!! :)
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