Well, there has been a LOT going on recently!!!!! Next week I officially start my last year of school and then I will be looking into taking fashion designing courses and if it takes me far I may go to school for fashion designing...and haters are gonna hate, but whose life is it?! <--- all said in the nicest tone possible :o{D ANYHOW!!!!!! I really have been busy and when I haven't been busy I didn't want to blog. Hahaha! Right smart reason, ya thank?! :0) I have been having a BLAST with my youth groupies!!! From our functions to our Wednesday youth services. It's has been refreshing! It's awesome just to get away from all the stress of life and get together with your true friends and worship like nobody's watching and also not having to worry about what they think about you. They are the best. Period! This has been a very exciting year and it's been a very hard year too. I have learned a LOT about people this year...some good and some bad and some that I am really glad I came to realize before I got any older. :o) I have made new friends and I remembered the old ones. Sometimes we get caught up in making new friends that we leave out the old ones and then we realize further down the road just how much the old ones have our back. It's nice to be able to have friends that I can be myself around and not trying to be something I am not....and always being afraid of stepping on someones toes. It's still not easy, but who said life was?! :o) All of that aside...here are some pictures from a couple of recent youth functions and a few from our trip to the circus. :o) Hope you enjoy!!!! {after this it will probably just be a "you" that reads my blog} :o)

My brother and I....Stinky didn't want a picture with me.! :0)

Me and Alaina :)

Me, Lianna, Tim and Alaina~ At the "Black Out"...after the regular lights were back on :o)

My cousins and Austin @ Our day at the circus

The clowns were my FAVORITE part!!! ;o)

Self explanatory ;o)

The "bendy" ladies. WHOA!!! They were all "bent out of shape" :o)
Well, that is it for now! Sleep time for me!!!!
Peace, Love & Pickled Pigs Feet! :o)
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