Lidia & I-She's a cutie-patootie!

Me & My fellow retarded friends @ a youth event

Natty Patty & I - a few Wednesday's ago

Kailea & I- Winter Heritage 2010/2011

My bestest friend, Alaina & I- also a couple Wednesday's ago

My shoebox for Operation Christmas Child

FUNNY Story! While everyone was still shopping in Wally World for their shoebox goodies, me and a couple other friends bought a snack, and headed out to the entrance to sit. Well, everyone was bored, so I provided entertainment by asking everyone who walked in and out of the store if they would like a yummy cookie....or yummy peppermint Kisses! Hahahaha! So this is our famous box of cookies. Btw, only 3 people actually ate our cookies..I think it was because all of us were laughing, so they thought it was a joke! LOL!!!

My pretty Momma & Lidia :o)

Natalie on Easter- in a hat/facinator I made her.

I got to keep Lidia overnight while her parents enjoyed their Anniversary-So here's my little Sleeping Beauty! :o)

Megan&I- W.H. 2010/2011

Heather&I-W.H. 2010/2011

Bree-bree&I- W.H. 2010/2011

My totally sane family! :o)

WinterJam 2011

Kelsi, Me, Brittney&Brooklynn-W.H. 2010/2011

Bella&I-She's a mess! :o)

Memories last a lifetime. :o)

Alaina, Marissa & I- Love them both so much! :o) {Btw, I look weird in this picture!} :o)
Well, that's it for now, but I have some big Big BIG news coming Tuesday....so you'd better stay tuned! :o)
Peace, L<3ve & Sugar-free Candy! Hahahahah!
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