Didn't really have a title, so hence the lovely one above. :o) So, this past Friday the youth went ice skating at the mall. Well, all the guys and a couple of girls were the ones who got on ice, but not I! Hahahah! Last time I attempted the ice skating thing I ended up spending 99.9% of the time on my rear, and for the next week soreness had taken a hold on my poor ol' self. :o) So, instead me and a couple other gals decided to shop. Not just any kind of shopping though. We were shopping for the ugliest things they had, and then we went and tried some outfits on. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! No, I will not be posting those pictures, but thanks for asking! Hehehe! Was it immature? Maybe so, but we had a blast. It was some good, wholesome, and entertaining fun! :o) I am just wondering what everyone thought because I was carrying around some HORRIBLE clothes! Hahahahahah! And last Friday we went to the Rock & Worship Road Show. It was pretty awesome!!!!! We went with the youth, and was also celebrating my baby brothers {who isn't much of a baby anymore} 13th birthday. Of course we all LOVED Lecrae. :o) He is a Christian Rapper/Hip Hop artist . He is amazing, and he has a very humble spirit, good music and message, and a great heart. It was a great night of family, fun, friends, music, and food!!! God has been doing some INCREDIBLE things in our church!!!! My God AMAZES me! Last week we had 4 baptized and a couple of the received the precious gift of the Holy Ghost, and this week 3 got baptized and all 3 were filled with the Holy Ghost, we've had backsliders come back, and we are believing God for even greater things to come! I'm in awe of God and His steadfast love. My heart is full of gratitude and thankfulness. :o) Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

Me, Sharel, Lianna, Autumn & Ally- I love my friends!

It was FRRRREZING! :o) Elizabeth, my Momma,Me, Liah, Ally & Autumn- I LOVE my Momma!!!!

Us again :o)

Me&Miss Sundae :o)

Me & My bestest friend, Ally :o)
Welp, that is it for now! :o) Hope you enjoyed.
Peaces, Love, Hugs & Turtle Bugs! :o)
P.s. If there is any misspelling, or my punctuation's and commas aren't the right place it's because I'm on meds AND to top it off I had a big cup of coffee. Not sure if it's healthy, but I do know that it's not a good combo! :o))) I'm pretty loopy right now!!! :o)
FINALLY you admit your awesomeness! ;)
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