We have a young lady in our church who has been working with the Back to Life Movement, and is currently walking with 39 young women (each representing one year of legalized abortion in America.) They started walking nearly 250 miles of open road for a 21-day trek from the nation's largest Planned Parenthood center, located in Houston, Texas, on March 17th, and they will continue until they get to the courthouse in Dallas where Roe v Wade was born. I think what they are doing is awesome! And we have another lady who works at a Pregnancy Life Center. Over the past few months they have been raising awareness about abortion. We all go day to day knowing about it, but never really stop to think about it. I'll be the first to admit. :o) It's so awful what these young girls/ladies do. Sometimes it just as simple as a lack of self confidence, or not believing that they can actually raise a child, or it could be because of deeper and more emotional issues. I believe that we should stand up for these unborn children, and for these girls/ladies.

This movie is definitely a "must see" for me. The trailer is AMAZING!!!
I believe the next generation is where our revival lies, and that every effort we put forth to save those tiny little boys and girls is seen by God. God loved us while WE were in our mothers womb, we should let God's love show through us, and make an effort to speak for these precious children that can't speak for themselves and their lives.
Well, that's it for now.
Peace, Love & Raindrops :o)
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