So, I have been so busy here recently so I didn't wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day, so I am saying it now....."Happy Mother's Day!" :o) Hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day! I had a spectacular day celebrating with my mum. I love her for so many reasons, but I love her most of all for giving my life. Not every child has that privilege. My poor, little bitty, teeny tiny mother had some difficulty getting me here. I was stubborn then and I still carry that trait with me. :o) Anyhow, we had a fantastic day celebrating! She, of course, picked Pei Wei for her Sunday lunch....and we pigged out!!! :o) Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. :o)
Nate & My Mom :o)
Dilly Willy & Mama Mia :o)
Me & My Mother :o) |
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