So, here is pictures from the last few weeks. It has been SUPER busy!!!We had Valentines Banquet by our ReCre8 Students last week and we literally had something EVERY night and day last week, but seeing that I did not stop the day of the banquet I didn't get any pictures, so I just have random ones. It's been hectic and busy, but busy is always good. A busy church is a growing church! :o) Anyhow, enjoy the pictures! :o)
Me and Kimberlee @ Butler Boy's and Girl's Club |
Me, Kimberlee and Mia @ Butler Boy's and Girl's Club |
Me, Lianna and some of the sweetest little girls @ Butler Boy's and Girl's Club |
Driving with no gas!!! :o) |
Natalie, Ally and I @ Youth Starbucks Bible Study |
Alaina and I @ Azle Youth Rally |
Dana and I going Monkey Style :o) |
Ally, Natty and I @ Azle Youth Rally |
We got lost, so I had to drive fast to make it home on time. hehe! - Azle Youth Rally |
Natalie, Alaina, Karen and I @ Azle Youth Rally |
Leading Worship with a clown nose mic. :oD @Azle Youth Rally |
We had a big storm come through a couple Saturday's ago that knocked the power out, so we were all prepared for church without electricity the next Sunday, but God came through! :o) The power came back on right as we were about to start worship service :o) |
Natty Patty and I @ Azle Youth Rally...actually this is at the restaurant AFTER the youth rally, but... :o) |
Training up my cousins in the way they should go. :o) Gotta live up to the family name! Hehehehe! |
Lianna speaking at youth class. So proud of her and all of our ReCre8 Students! |
Morning chats with Ana and Ella- LOVE LOVE LOVE these sweet angels! |
How Laila gets treated at Sunday School. LOL! Time out in the Toy Bucket :o) |
Me, Lianna and Bradley- I had been sleep deprived that whole week/weekend and it showed :o) |
Me and Bethenny @ Her first church service :o) |
Nicolas and Christopher got to ride on the church bus with us :o) |
Most of our ReCre8 Students at our Youth Luncheon at Pastor's house. LOVE my youth group...although this is my last year as a young person :o) And a special thanks to our Pastor and his family for the amazing lunch and fellowship! Thanks for opening your house to all of us! We love y'all! :o) |
Ella Grayce and I |
I sneaked this picture at kids choir practice...and she is going to kill me! :o) Btw, she is an AMAZING pianist and I'm proud to call her one of my best friends!!! Love you, Ally! :o) |
Lianna and I- Cheesin' it up! :o) |
Hope you enjoyed the randomness!
Peace, Love and Happiness!
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