It's Summertime in Texas. If you know me at all you know that I am a Texan. Born and raised in Texas and PROUD of it! Love Texas....but the heat? Oh my word! Strongly dislike the heat. So, in the summer I like to stay indoors as much as I can, but this year I really haven't been given that option a lot, but I'm actually okay with it.....because....MY SUMMER HAS BEEN PACKED WITH AWESOMENESS!!! :o) So, here is some of my summer in pictures and short details. :o)
A Sunday game of Volleyball with these crazies |
Lianna and I at our volleyball game :o) |
Went to Six Flags and rode the ginormous rides for the first time in my life. Yes, I live 30 minutes from Six Flags and this was my first time on any type of roller coaster or any other contraption made to scare you half to death for pure entertainment. Hahaha! |
Ahh...the Sky Screamer. :o) Happy Birthday, Kelli! Thank God we didn't die! Hahaha! |
Birthday Pictures :o) Yes, I AM 20 and still act like this. Just keepin' it real and fun! Hahaha! |
Shopping with these two lovelies for a little early birthday celebration |
Ana, Ella and I- All dressed up for my Birthday...otherwise known as Independence Day. Whatever you prefer. :o) |
About to watch fireworks with my grandparents. Crazy obviously runs in the family! Hahahah! |
My lovely Mom and I waiting for the fireworks |
My dad let me have a picture with him...that should be a celebration! :o) |
My brothers and I waiting for the firework show :o) |
Hahaha! I have amazing people in my life! All of the birthday love was awesome! |
LOVE watching people blow their money! It's gorgeous! :o) |
We got all hot and sweaty while passing out food to the poor. |
After passing out food to the poor. This is what the heat does to us! :o) |
Day 1 of VBS at Butler Boys and Girls Club |
Day 2 of VBS at Butler Boys and Girls Club |
Day 1 VBS at Rosedale Boys and Girls Club (sorry they are out of order) |
Day 2 of VBS at Butler Boys and Girls Club |
Day 2 of VBS at Butler Boys and Girls Club |
Day 2 of VBS at Butler Boys and Girls Club |
Day 2 of VBS at Butler Boys and Girls Club |
Ana and Ella are getting so big! Love them! |
Kalyx Ballestero, Natalie and I on the first night of our church Anniversary Celebration. |
Alaina, Natalie and I on the first night of our church Anniversary Celebration. |
Me and the peeps :) leading worship at Mobile church on the second day of our church Anniversary Celebration. |
She is a DOLL! Mobile church on the second day of our church Anniversary Celebration. |
Mobile church on the second day of our church Anniversary Celebration. |
Mobile church on the second day of our church Anniversary Celebration. |
The gals of our worship crew at Mobile church on the second day of our church Anniversary Celebration. |
Alaina and I after handing out sack lunches to the poor in the pouring rain. That was a BLAST! |
Natalie and I drenched after handing out sack lunches to the poor in the pouring rain. Loved it! |
Giving clothes to the poor |
Day 1 of VBS at our newest Boys and Girls Club. |
Gorgeous girls! Day 1 of VBS at our newest Boys and Girls Club. |
Yesenia and I. Such a sweet girl! Day 1 of VBS at our newest Boys and Girls Club. |
Over 170 kids! Day 1 of VBS at our newest Boys and Girls Club. |
Hahaha! They crack me up! Day 1 of VBS at our newest Boys and Girls Club. |
So many new friends! Day 1 of VBS at our newest Boys and Girls Club. |
I think they have stolen my heart! Love them already! Day 1 of VBS at our newest Boys and Girls Club. |
This whole summer has been packed with lots of opportunities to reach out to those in need around us and lots of opportunities to show God's love! You don't have to twist people's arms to get them to church...all you have to do is go beyond your comfortable four walls and take Jesus to them. Be a light and show God's love wherever you go and people will ask you why you are different. Tomorrow we start our very first nursing home service that will be led by some of our young adults and youth. It's so AMAZING to see how God is using our youth. I've NEVER seen so many young people so hungry to be used of God like this! It's absolutely amazing! Just wait! You will be hearing more about the revival that is happening in our church and among our youth. LOVE it!
If you want to see more from this mission just go on Facebook and 'like' our One Way Mission page.
Until next time...
Peace, Love and Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream!
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