
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Shaking in my boots!

Today is the day! I am going to have to try to describe one of my best friends with just a few words at her 13th Birthday Ceremony. I have been going through some pictures and videos we have taken in the past years. OH MY WORD!!!! We have had some HILARIOUS moments! I watched the videos again and I was laughing so hard I was crying! She won't let me post any though....I am surprised she still likes me after the pictures I have posted of her already. :) When we are together we have the time of our lives. Sometimes I forget she is 4 years younger than me though...which is a good thing! ;) Alaina, when you read this (and I know you will because I am posting more pictures. lol!) I want you to know I love you and I will always be here for you. I know we have had our up's and down's together but friendship is about sticking together through it all...and we are certainly still living. :) I hope you have a great birthday celebration! P.S. Don't forget to sneeze....I will bring some kleenex's with me! :)

Natalie and Alaina 2006

Alaina, Natalie and Nicolas in 2006

Preparing food for a Leadership Meeting ;) 2009

Alaina's first youth trip as a teenager! 2010


Meagan Rowell

Hey Chastity! :) I love your new blog deco :) heehee

And thanks for putting my blog uner your "sweet-o and neat-o sites" :)


Hey, girl! ;) Thank you!

You are very welcome....not a problem at all! :)


So did you speak at her birthday thing?