
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Missing puzzle pieces....

Well, today has been a bit of a struggle for me. Over the last year I have had way too many lost friendships. No matter how strong I appear to be, or even think I am, I find out that in a little corner of my heart I still miss my friends. Well, most of them! Hehehe! Seriously, though! I see names in my phone, I read cards, see gifts, and I never really know why they aren't there any more. Just knowing if I hadn't stood behind my pastor and his dreams and visions {that have become my family's dreams and visions} then I wouldn't have lost any friends. If I had to do it again....well...I would!!!! Number 1. Because I love my pastor and believe what he is preaching, and I believe in him and the path he is taking me and my family. Number 2. Because my friendships shouldn't control my life and what I believe. I realize other people have different beliefs and I respect that! I always say "The world would be a VERY boring place if everyone were the same." I just don't get why nobody can talk to me because I don't do things the same as them, and if that isn't the reason then why can't I at least get an explanation? Life is so difficult sometimes. It's so easy just to go with the "in" crowd and try your best to be like them and be accepted by them then to stand up for what you believe and get thrown under the bus, ran over, and then they back up and run over you again. It's also difficult when you have dreams that you and your friends have dreamed that included them that is destroyed just because they think I have to be like them. It's not my place to judge, so why should I be judged? People hang out with friends in their public school's and college everyday and they don't throw them to the side of the road and say, "I can't talk to you or love you because you don't go to my church or believe what I believe." No, you show them love so they can see Christ through you, right?! Well, if they don't show them much love and respect then they must not have any friends! Hahahah! Anyhow, I said all of this to say, I still love and respect my friends oh, so very much I just wish I had answers.
I know a couple of my blogging friends may still read my blog...so if you are I want you to know that I love you so very much! I'm trying to get over the confusion that is in my mind. I know nobody is perfect and maybe you didn't have an option and you had to leave me stranded on the side of the road, if you would like to explain it you have my number, email and address! :o)
Peace, Love & Chocolate!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Life is short....

.....and so very precious! And today I am reminded of this. Earlier I went to a funeral of a 33 year old lady who died of cancer, and what is tear jerking is that the day before she died her daughter celebrated her birthday. Life is so short and oh, so very sweet! I can only hope and pray that everyday when I get up I can live each day to it's fullest. God gave me life for a reason. :o) So, today I am very thankful for LIFE! And I am also thankful for my friends and family, and their honesty. True friends don't sugarcoat the truth. :o) I can't wait to see a few of them soon. Oh, what a surprise this is going to be! hehehehe! I'm evil! :o) Well, that is it for now....I'd prefer Facebook over blogging, but I might as well keep this for those who don't have a FB, and to keep people in suspense....you never know when I'm going to blog. ;o)
Peace, Love & I LOVE LUCY!!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Where to begin?!

Whoa! I haven't been on here in ages! :o) There is SOOOO much going on I don't even know where to begin! :o) So, I have picked up a new hobby....*drum roll, please*.....rollerblading! Don't laugh! :o) It's so fun, especially when you go with a lot of friends, and it's great exercise! :o) There has been a lot of Mobile Services, feeding the poor, outreach, youth class, youth functions, church and a lot of other awesome things!!!! With everything that our church has been through this year, and is still going through, we have really become a stronger church! Our city is hungry for God and we have answer! Just this past Saturday while doing outreach in the projects a bunch of little kids come running up to me hungry for love and attention. They were doing cartwheel's and flipping and all they wanted from me was attention...of course I started cheering for them and then when I got ready to leave they followed me while still talking to me. They are so easy to love! :o) Hopefully in the next few days I will be going back to be their cheerleader again. :o) The other news is our new conference!!! We are having a Family Conference, Compass, the end of December!!!! It's going to be amazing! The preachers will be: Bro. Ken Bow, Bro. Ballestero, Bro. McLaughlin, Bro. Tim Pixler and my AWESOME Pastor!!!!! It's going to be insanely incredible! :o)
Anyhow!!!! I have posted, so this should last me another few months! Bahahahhaha!
Peace, Love and a Green Tea Frap!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A little late?! Why of COURSE!!!!! :o)

Well, there has been a LOT going on recently!!!!! Next week I officially start my last year of school and then I will be looking into taking fashion designing courses and if it takes me far I may go to school for fashion designing...and haters are gonna hate, but whose life is it?! <--- all said in the nicest tone possible :o{D ANYHOW!!!!!! I really have been busy and when I haven't been busy I didn't want to blog. Hahaha! Right smart reason, ya thank?! :0) I have been having a BLAST with my youth groupies!!! From our functions to our Wednesday youth services. It's has been refreshing! It's awesome just to get away from all the stress of life and get together with your true friends and worship like nobody's watching and also not having to worry about what they think about you. They are the best. Period! This has been a very exciting year and it's been a very hard year too. I have learned a LOT about people this year...some good and some bad and some that I am really glad I came to realize before I got any older. :o) I have made new friends and I remembered the old ones. Sometimes we get caught up in making new friends that we leave out the old ones and then we realize further down the road just how much the old ones have our back. It's nice to be able to have friends that I can be myself around and not trying to be something I am not....and always being afraid of stepping on someones toes. It's still not easy, but who said life was?! :o) All of that aside...here are some pictures from a couple of recent youth functions and a few from our trip to the circus. :o) Hope you enjoy!!!! {after this it will probably just be a "you" that reads my blog} :o)
My brother and I....Stinky didn't want a picture with me.! :0)
Me and Alaina :)
Me, Lianna, Tim and Alaina~ At the "Black Out"...after the regular lights were back on :o)
My cousins and Austin @ Our day at the circus
The clowns were my FAVORITE part!!! ;o)
Self explanatory ;o)
The "bendy" ladies. WHOA!!! They were all "bent out of shape" :o)
Well, that is it for now! Sleep time for me!!!!
Peace, Love & Pickled Pigs Feet! :o)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stop! Drop! ROLL!!!!!

Youth service tonight was GREAT!!!! I will not live in fear of what others think of me.....I am ME because God made me this way!
This is Tim, Alaina and I after youth :)
Hanna and I :) She is too sweet! :)
Well, that is it for now :)
Peace, Love & Birthday Cake! :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Not afraid of spray paint!

Sooo I think it is time for a bedroom makeover....ya thank?! I DO!!!!! So here is the bedding I am getting http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?itemdescription=true&itemCount=80&startValue=1&selectedProductColor=&sortby=&id=20571048&parentid=A_DEC_BEDDING&sortProperties=+subCategoryPosition,+product.marketingPriority&navCount=0&navAction=jump&color=&pushId=A_DEC_BEDDING&popId=APARTMENT&prepushId=&selectedProductSize=
I LOVE everything about this bedding! :) And here are a few inspiration photos. :)
For those of you who know me, you know that I like all things abnormal and bright.....isn't that deer head CUTE?! I am totally NOT a "deer head person" but that is so awesome! AND the Fork and Knife curtains are to die for!!! :)
So vintage yet modern- Lovely!
Neat way to hang pictures....and 2 I am totally loving frames right now (of course they have to be spray painted first! :)
Vintage LOVE!
Now this is my type of dining room! Totally LOVING IT!
Sooo cheery! :)
Loving the pattern mixing!
ColoredChandy's are awesome!!!! :)
Love the colored furniture :)
Weird in a cool way :)
LOVE the idea
So different...but very neat! :)
http://pinterest.com is my favorite site right now! I stalk it everyday :) Anyhow! :) Life is good....and I now can say I have blogged. :)
Peace, Love & Pinterest! :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I can't find me glasses...need to ask me mum.

Oh, on me face them are! Hehehe! So, I was thinking the next post would be more pictures from my party.....BUT......I am babysitting and while they are occupied I thought I would make the time to blog, because I really haven't had the time before now. Sooo, next week is me barfday and I am really scared! Hahaha! Kidding! Also next week is our church Anniversary. Bro. Anthony Ballestero, Bro. Willhoite, and Bro. Padgett will be preaching and Sunday night Sis. Kim Ballestero is doing a concert. Can't wait!!!!!!! It's going to be AWWWWESOME!! :) And HEAVENS to Betsy!!!!!!!! I don't have anything else to blog about. I need to put the kiddos down for bed. Goodbye fer now, me friends! Peace, Love & Peaches! :) :) :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dr. Seuss?! Check. and. Mark!

SO today was my birthday party...and yes, I did a Dr. Seuss theme! :) Since Dr. Seuss is red, white and blue and my birthday is on July 4th. Everyone's first response was "Dr. Seuss?! You are supposed to be 18!" Hahahaha! What can I say?! I love being different...it just feels so right! Hehehe! It was soooo awesome! I had a blast today and yesterday when I had a pre-party party and we did the decorating and all that jazz! :) So, here are some pictures. Ernjoy! :)
Let the decorating begin! :)
And it goes on and on and on.....
Natalie and Karayan dipping Strawberries
Pretzel Sticks...sooo yum-ola!
Yeah, we do things the hard way! :)
My mommy and I :)
Food...obviously! :)
:) :) :) :)
Decorations One of my new purses :) #2 :)
I had SOOO much fun making all the decorations! From the tray all the way to the banners everything was handmade so it would be exactly what I wanted. :) Thanks to EVERYONE who made it happen and came to help eat the food....as most of you can tell we overdid it on the cupcakes.:) Thanks to Karayan, Natalie, Sharel, Alaina and Brookie!!!!! I LOVE Y'ALL!!!!!!!!! I took a LOT more pictures with friends and family. So I will make a collage of those then post them :) Hope you all had a GREAT day!
Peace, Love and Crackerjacks! :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


:) Soooo, I forgot to blog about my Dear Daddy on Father's Day. How could I?! I don't know! Actually I do. So either I just lied or I made yet another mistake. How could I?! I don't know! ACTUALLY........well you get the point. I HOPE! I REALLY don't want to have to go through that again! So terrible! LOL! Wow! I wow myself sometimes....that's the reason for the 'wow'. Hahahahaha!
Okay...whatever! I think for Father's Day the lyrics to "Butterfly Fly Away" By Miley Cyrus puts everything into perspective.
"You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away"
Some girls grow up without a daddy there to love and protect them, and to push them towards their dreams, but yet correct them when they are wrong. A father's love is unconditional. I have some major lazy days when I don't want to get up and so does my dad...the only difference is I usually give in and dilly dally around for another hour and my dad makes himself get up so he can give me and my family what we want and need to survive. Everyday he sets an example for me and my family...and Dad I want you to know when I find a man (if I ever do :) I'll make sure he is a MAN and he will fight for his family and work for his family the way you do. My dad has taught me that everything doesn't come easy...you have to fight for it. Thanks Dad for always believing in me and helping me find my purpose in life. Thanks for always encouraging me to follow my dreams wherever it leads me and thanks for being brutally honest with me...even though you embarrassed me a few...er...bunch of times! Thanks for eating my exotic meals and for finding what was good about them when even I knew that they were disgusting (I have had some crazy experiences in the kitchen, folks!). Thanks for eating my BIG chicken wings and for eating my "sloppy dogs" :) And a very BIG Thanks for teaching me how to drive and letting me drive LONG distances while mom was praying through in the seat behind me :) and thanks for not having a heart attack when I rolled out into the street with a boatload of traffic coming straight for me...we could have dies, ya know?! :) You have and mom have been my cheerleaders through thick and thin (LITERALLY! :) and for that I owe you everything! :) I hope you had a VERY Happy Father's Day! All my love, Me :)
P.s. We need to get a recent picture to put on here :) Peace, Love & European Chocolate! (that stuff is to DIE for!) :) P.s.s. Stay tuned for all the exclusives of "the BIG number ONE EIGHT birthday celebration....KID STYLE" :) :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Elmo!!!

Hiya! Here are a few pictures I had taken for my Birthday. More to come!!! :) :) Hope everyone has a good day!!!! Peace, Love & ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stitched Together :)

I think God brings people into your life for a reason and most of the time we don't realize it. God brought this dear woman, Maleah, into my life a few years ago and it wasn't until recently I realized how much she has helped me. My confidence in myself and my talents have grown mostly because of this woman. She believes in me...and not just me, she also believes in others. She always tells me "You can do anything, just follow your dreams". And I have really taken that for granted. I thought people just said things like that to make someone feel better (most people do) but she really means it! One time I had made something, and I have this habit of pointing out my mistakes to others (and I think it's because I am afraid of what others might say if they seen the mistake and realized I messed up) and so I was showing her something I had made and getting her opinion (she is a professional seamstress) and asking her if she had any tips on how I could make it better, and then I pointed out my mistake and she kinda got on to me :) She said, "Mess-up's can look pretty and sometimes it gives whatever you are making a certain character." And that has stuck with me. I have always felt as if what I made wasn't perfect enough because every once in awhile you could see a thread that wasn't supposed to be seen or a petal was out of place, but she has helped me see that my best might not always be perfect but at least I tried. :) I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for this dear lady! I Love you so much, Sis. Maleah and anywhere I go in life I'll be sure to remember that you are the one that helped me get there and succeed! :) :) :) Peace, Love & Giant CHEESE balls!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our Idea Of A Youth Function

Hehehe! So here is some pictures of our latest youth function. It might look boring, but actually it was pretty fun. :) We played a little basketball (of course all I could do was dribble....I couldn't make it into the goal), we ate (of course!!!), we talked, played Leggo's, played air hockey, and the guys played the Xbox. :) Here are some picahtures...I didn't get a bunch, but SOME nonetheless. Ernjoy! :)
The Fruit Tart my mother made
Brownie Trifle I helped my mother make :)
Chocolate and White Chocolate Covered Fruit my mother also made....she got the "baking fever". :) My poor mom she hasn't been able to bake ever since we went on this diet. LoL!
Brooke and her Yeggos :)
Me in the negative :)
Granny Brooke and I! Lol!
Told ya we had FUN! :) Well, today is Sunday. :) And we had another person get baptized today....that makes a total of 13 baptized and 10 filled with the Holy Ghost within these few weeks! God is AWESOME!!!!!! :)
Welp, that is it for now. :)
Peace, Love, and Chicken Pieces! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend Mania!!!!

God is doing AWESOME things in Fort Worth!!!!! It is SO incredible! First we will start with our Fun Bash on Saturday. What we did is we went to some apartment complexes right down the road from our church and set up our Mobile Stage for music and puppets. We also had free snacks, an iPod giveaway, prizes, soccer challenge, jump roping, hula hooping, a bounce house, and basketball. It was a blast!!!! And in result we had 12 new kiddos on the bus Sunday morning, and 7 new teenagers in our youth class!!!!! And, also, we had 6 baptized Sunday morning, and 5 out of the 6 received the Holy Ghost!!!!! God is MOVING in OUR CITY!!!!!!!!!! This past Sunday we also set up our Mobile Stage for church. We had a new location this time. It went over really well!!!! :) Here are some pictures for y'all. We took 549 pictures the whole weekend and there is no way I can put them all up, so I will have to pick and choose. :) ENJOY!!!!!
On our way there=
Bro. Vela- Our Bus Driver
Alan & Ginger- Our Youth Outreach Coordinators
Bro. Tim- Our Church Outreach Leader
Sis. Joan- Our Bus drivers wife
Monica, Autumn, Lianna & Phyllishia
Our Youth Photographer- Nathaniel :)
Alaina & I (with our windy do's)- Grand Prize/Sunday School Sign-up table
Camron & Jonathan- putting the net on the basketball hoop
Busy bee's filling the goodies bags with flyers fro Sunday School
Sis. Valerie (preaching :)-Sunday School Coordinator
Tyler :)
My mom skirting the table :)
Gin-self explanatory :)
The Results=
Some of the kiddos :)
The prize table
Valerie, Tim, Alan met a new friend....Kristy :)
Intense game of basketball :)
Bro. Marco- Our Spanish Work Pastor
Our ghetto way of hanging a piñata...with an extension cord (the other end is tied to the basketball hoop) :)
Some more of the kids
Waiting for the prize giveaway :)
The iPod winner!!! :)
Praying...sooo sweet! :)
Ginger and her new little buddy, Jerome :)
On Our Way Back=
Sis. Rosa- Spanish Work Pastor's Wife :)
Alaina :)
Anabeth :)
Sunday Morning: On the Bus
Jerome- Our Next Bus Driver :)
Natalie- peeking over the bus bench :)
Singing "If you're Happy and you Know IT!" :)
Trianna & LaKeshia- At youth class
Jerome praying :) He was weeping, and it made my eyes water and my heart smile :)
He got baptized and got the Holy Ghost, as well as his soon-to-be step dad :)
Jessa & Aubrey-while their parents were getting ready for baptism. So cute and sweet!
Mobile Church=
Me & Christopher- Working as "spotters" to invite more people
AWWWW!!!! Our next Outreach leader! He was handing them out to everyone :)
Leading worship in Spanish.
Sunday was such an AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my Jesus!!!!! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Peace, Love, & SWEET PEACH TEA!!!! :)