
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Awkward Moments...

Have you ever had an awkward moment? Like when you said something and it came out so totally wrong but at first you were the only one to catch it....AND you freak out about it AND then everyone feaks out with you?! Yeah?! No?! Well, it has happen to me....one too many times and it happen more than once today! I say it's because I don't have a filter between my brain and my mouth but I am starting to think I might not HAVE a brain! :) In other news....I gave a donation to a girl going around Ross parking lot selling sun catchers to raise money for a missions trip for her youth group (i didn't really need a sun catcher). :) I don't know about you but if I was trying to raise money I would want someone to help me. She was a very sweet girl too! It made my heart swell! ;) I just thought I would share that little story to help your heart swell too! :) And on that note (dun duh dun dunnn) I think I will sign out for the night but I need ALL the stinkin' beauty rest I can get for the long day ahead of me tomorrow (today). GOOOOOOOOOD NIIIIIIIGHT, AMERRICAAA! Hallelujah!