Well HOWDY, Folks!!!! Looks like a storm is really a-brewing....that and aLOT of other stuff has been on the calendar lately. In a couple of weeks the youth drama club has a "brain-storming" party. I can't wait until our first drama-which should be the end of this year....hopefully! I am going to be helping out with the designing/acting/singing...which sould be very entertaining/hysterical/fun/embarrassing and all the above! LOL! And with that being said here are some pictures for you. Some are from the Winter Jam concert the youth went to and some are of a cardigan I made my mom. :) Hope your day is filled with peace, love and LOTS of sweets!

The after. :) It's a little big on her bc it was supposed to be mine...but it was too small for me. LOL! Funny how that works!!! :) It turned out really cute!
Oh and some really good news......I ate under 20 carbs today *pats myself on the back*....3 cheers for me!!!! Y'all, if you are a chocoholic and you want to go on a diet do not-and i repeat- DO NOT go on the Atkins diet....it will make you go crazy! :) That is why I wish you all the SWEETS you can inhale! :) Tootles, people!
YOU look GOOD girl!!!!!!!!!! ;)
LOL! Wow! Thanks...I think :)
lol yo welcome honey child ;)
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