
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back2School Jam

This past weekend we had a Back to School Jam for the kiddos that we have been teaching at the Boy's and Girl's Club on Rosedale for the past few months. These kids are such a joy to be around. It's so amazing how they love to just spend time with someone who pays they some attention...of course, bringing candy and games help too. :o) We had a bounce house, hot dogs and sack lunches, prizes, and LOTS of candy.There were 36 kids that signed up for the Sunday School Bus and 16 new faces on the Bus the next morning!!!!! It was so amazing to see some of the kids that we have been talking to for months come to Sunday School! So AMAZING! :o) This is just a few of the MANY pictures my brother took. They are all out of order, but I hope you enjoy them anyhow. :o)

Handing out the royal scepter's {aka lollipop sticks} :o)
Having fun with the children of Fort Worth: Brittany and Lianna. 

Our Grillin' Machine, Ken. :o)

Praying with some of the children

Isn't this the cutest picture EVER?! Bro. Ken and his new little friend.

My mom and some of the girls from the community

Lil' Guy praying :o)

The Skit :o)

Ginger talking with some girls community

Some of the Crowd

"We are ALL Princes and Princesses of God. It doesn't matter how short or tall, or how poor or rich we are."
~ Valerie Frost

Praying with the people of the community

Having a blast at the fun bash:o)

She is a CUTIE! :o)

Hot Dog Line

Nathaniel with Brittany and Beatrice (these girls are a TRIP!) :o)

Janese and some more of our little friends :o)

Tammy and Lianna talking to a couple of girls

Signing up for the Sunday School Bus :o)
Peace, Love & Peach Lemonade 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Words & Pictures

I didn't have a funny, fancy, or interesting title, so I decided to state the obvious. :o) :o) :o) I know I need to blog more I just haven't had the time, words, or the energy. Blogging takes lots of work, Folks! :o) Anyhow, I was going through some pictures and found this picture that my brother took about a month or two ago and thought I would share, and the bottom picture is from our GLOW Girl's slumber party a few weeks ago. I am running out of pictures to blog, so I may need to take more. :o)
Pastor, Alaina, Natalie, and I- Leading worship @ Sunday Morning Youth Class
Sockies!!! We had a hard time getting this picture! :o)
Well, that is all for now. I must get some much needed rest before tomorrow. So much work and not enough time in the day! :o)

Peace, Love & Peanut Butter Toast 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Birthday in August

I got my birthday cake.....a month and a half later. It's okay though, because I had a party all over again. I sang "Happy Birthday" to myself and everything. Hahahah!  It was a delicious carrot cake made by a good friend. Now time to diet...AGAIN! :o)

Adios for now.

Peace, Love & Brummel Brown (Hehehehe!)