
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mother's Day AND Father's Day

I'm a few days (and a month) late, but it's better than never, right? Hehe! I just wanted to let everyone know that I have the BEST dad and mom EVER! What I am today is all because of my parents. Through the ups and downs, the laughter, the tears, all of my angry words, my weird moments, my funny moments, my blonde moments.... I could go on forever, but I'll keep it short :o)....through it all my parents stuck beside me. They have guided me, and they have raised me petty well, if I do say so myself. :o) Their love and passion for God, our church, our pastor and family, and our community is amazing! They have amazing and honorable hearts of servants, and I am hoping they have passed that on to me. :o) I love my parents so much!! If you've never met them then you should meet them as soon as possible. Hurry!!! You'll benefit from knowing them both. :o)

Peace, Love and Tardiness :o) 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Resurrection Sunday - A Ranger's Game - And A Bondfiya

Sooo, it's been awhile. I know y'all have been DYING to see what I've been up to *spoken in a sarcastic tone* but all is well now because I'm back. BOOM! Resurrection (Easter) Sunday was AH-MAZING! We kicked off 8 weeks of revival with a bang. We had three receive the Holy Spirit and two baptized! Awesome stuff!
Oh, and I finished making my skirt and headband for the Saturday night (technically early Sunday) BEFORE Resurrection Sunday. Yes, I'm crazy! :o)

So, would you like to see some pictures?! Ern-joy!

Miss Natalie and I- Resurrection Sunday
Some selfies :o)- Resurrection Sunday
My Momma and I- Resurrection Sunday
Love my little family- Resurrection Sunday

Alaina and I- Resurrection Sunday
Natalie "teaching" the guys how to play basketball :o)

Sitting by the bombfiya :o) It has many names. :oP
Love these kiddos (even when I hafta bop them in the back :oD)
We got SOAKED with rain at this game. Fun times!
 Well, that's it for now. Thanks for riding the Crazy Train today.....come back and see us!

Peace, Love, and........ZzzzzZzzzzZzzzz......

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

***Bloggers Wanted***

I'm thinking of hiring someone to blog for me. Anybody up for the task? Hahahaha! Kidding! Some people blog quite religiously. Baffling! :o) I am waiting for my phone to sync with iTunes, installing a program on my laptop, downloading new songs for chorale practice, going through my emails, and listening to Tony Bennett radio on Pandora, so I figured I would just go ahead and give everyone (all five of you) an update. Multi-tasking at it's best. :o) 99.9% of my updates are pictures, so why change my method of updating now?! These pictures are basically from where I left off in October, so here they are....LOTS of them. :o)
Alaina playing for worship service at the main church. She's amazing!!!  Super proud!
Miss Gia-hyper at 8:00 AM

All matchy-matchy and totally unplanned. Love my crazy mom!

Ana and Ella 

LOVE it when Kelli comes home and we get hang out! Also, I LOVE to get to see new friends and meet more friends. :o)

Dynasty and Destiny-We met these twins while handing our flyers for Thanksgiving Dinner. They are ADORABLE and so sweet!

Rosedale Boys and Girls Club- Love these kiddos!

Our team heading out to feed the less fortunate a Thanksgiving dinner

Our team after helping feed almost 9,000 less fortunate

ReCre8 students MIT (Minister's In Training) hosted by our awesome Pastor.

Martin Boys and Girls Club- Love these kiddos!

Martin Boys and Girls Club- Love these kiddos!

Short trip to Okieville (Oklahoma) to see Kelli in concert.

Dinner after the concert.

Miss Ana Sophia- adore her!

Thanksgiving 2013-My grandmother, my aunts, and I

Thanksgiving 2013-The grandparents and grandkids

Thanksgiving 2013- LOVE my crazy family!

Thanksgiving 2013-Me, Nathaniel (brother), and my aunt.

Thanksgiving 2013- Pretty much describes me and my mom. :o) 

Iced in! We had church via webcast because of the ice storm.

Christmas Musial- 20's style :o)

Christmas Musial- My narrating buddies

Christmas Musial- Our "normal" picture :o)

Christmas Musial- Natty Patty and I

Christmas Musial- The SANGers :o)

Christmas party photo fun :o)

Ana Sophia and Ella Grayce- So hard to believe they are ONE! Where did time go?! Love these two girls!

Compass Conference- Dad was hiding, of course!

Compass Conference- Night 1 after party :oP

Compass Conference- Told you it was a party. hehehe!

Compass Conference- Day 2 with "The Frost Girls" :oD

Compass Conference- Day 2 with Nat King Cole the 2nd

Compass Conference- Day 2 with Crazy Lady Katy

Compass Conference- Day 2 with a couple of the Frosty's again

"The twins finally have someone their size to hang out with."-Chastity
Compass Conference- Day 2 with Bro. Ballestero. Love him! :o)
So now that Pandora has ran out of songs to play {Haha! Kidding!}, my phone is synced, my program is installed, I've downloaded all of the new songs (and listened to all of them), and all of my emails are sorted through....Whew, that's a lot!... I can share all of these photos with y'all and call it a night.

Peace, Love and Cough drops!

Now I am sharing.......................