
Monday, November 26, 2012

True Friends Are Forever

I LOVE my friends!!!! They are simply the best....EVER!!!! A few of my friends and I had a photo shoot together and here are the results. :o) 

So, there you have it!!!! We had a blast and made lots of awesome memories that day. :o) I love Love LOVE all of my friends! That is it for now. :o)

Peace, Love & Friends

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ana & Ella's Baby Shower

Just a few more weeks and Ana Sophia and Ella Grayce Pixler will be here!!! :o) Can't wait to see their beautiful, sweet, and tiny faces! :o) But until they are here y'all will just have to see their baby shower pictures. :o) My Mom and I did the decor and we had a blast doing it for them. :o) And now for the pictures.....enjoy!

The cake was SOOO yummy!

And this is what happens when Natalie gets my camera. Priceless! Love these girls :o)

Ana & Ella's Mommy...and Noonie and Aunts :o)
And that is that! :o) Hope everyone has a great week!

Peace, Love & Peppermint Tea :o)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall is Here!

How do I know this?! Well, it just got SUPER-DEE-DUPER busy! Like so busy you have to schedule in your meals, breathing, and sleeping. :o) I LOVE this time of the year! It's like the whole atmosphere changes and you start to feel like the Holiday's are 'round the corner, and the weather begins to get colder, and the windows are open, and yummy baked goods begin to smell up the house, and around this time I gain a lot of weight....hold it right there!!!!!! I HATE that part of this time of the year!!! :o) So this means I have officially went into "Busy Beaver" mode and I am not sure there is much to time to stop, but seeing that my blog has been in such high demand as of recently....I must needs blog about something. We have had Laila since last Friday and will have her until this coming Saturday afternoon. Her parents requested I take lots of pictures, so, here she goes....my week in pictures. :o)
Friday-Youth Pumpkin Carving Party

Sunday- Laila @ Pei Wei

Sunday- Myself and Laila

Sunday- Laila getting ready for bed

Monday- She LOVES my brother, Nathaniel :o)

Monday- Loving her fingers :o)

Monday- Party at the Boy's & Girls club :o)

Tuesday- She made a mess of her lunch :o)

Tuesday- She loves bath time :o)

Tuesday- Up from her nap :o)

Tuesday- Almost time for beddy-bye! :o)
That's all I have right now, but I'll have lots more by the end of the week. :o)

Peace, Love & Autumn

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday, Y'all! :o)
My Brother (the middle child :o) & I :o)

Peace, Love & Awesome Church!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Normal Day in the Neighborhood

This is what happens when you take a group of teens to Walmart. :o) We had some time to kill while we were waiting on someone to meet us. We had just came from a Fall Fest at our daughter work in Granbury, so we decided to have some fun. We went to a fuddy duddy Walmart in the heart of an old country town here in Texas....brand new Walmart that mostly consist of grumpy 80 year old shoppers. :o) We didn't let it get us down...we just smiled, waved, and told them to have a nice day while they frumped at us. It was quite an experience! :o) Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

The guys were pretending they were innocent. :o)

About to scare Lianna...who is DEATHLY afraid of spiders...especially fake ones. Hahahahaha!

Cheesin' :o)

Crazy Hair Day. :o)

Camron- He really doesn't need the mask :o)

Having a Movie Night @ Walmart....too bad 90% was advertisements! Hehehehehe!

So, that is pretty much how we roll here in Texas! :o)
Anyhow, I must needs get some sleep! Over & Out... like Donkey Kong! hehehe!
Peace, Love & Youthies! :o)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wanna know what I think?!

Well, obviously you do or else you wouldn't be reading my blog. :o) So, I have had several people asking me, "Why after all these years are y'all changing what y'all believe?" and, "Why aren't you carrying on the traditions that y'alls church was built on?" Well, I have Bible for those questions. :o)  I had this scripture for my devotions and I thought I should share with you. :o)

Matthew 15:1-9 (ESV) 

“Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, 2 “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.” 3 He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? 4 For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’ 5 But you say, ‘If anyone tells his father or his mother, “What you would have gained from me is given to God, 6 he need not honor his father.’ So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God. 7 You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; 9 in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”

Instead of just preaching all that we were taught when we were young we are taking a closer look at the Bible and seeing how God wants us to live. God is our judge and if we are in alignment with God then He will let us know when we are doing something wrong. :o) Some people have a closed mind, but if you are open to letting God get in your brain and rearranging your thoughts then you will be amazed at how much is in your Bible and how much that we think is in the Bible. If anyone wants to hear more on this you can visit our church website and watch podcasts of my Pastor teaching on it and giving more details than I did. My pastor is the World's Greatest Pastor/Preacher/Teacher/Singer and if you think otherwise than I will disagree. :o)

Here is our church website link http://cornerstonefortworth.org/
Hope you guys enjoyed my mini sermon. :o) And here is a picture to balance out all of the words :o) Some of the youth group went to our Granbury daughter work to help with their Fall Festival.
A few of  us stopped by Downtown Granbury to go into a couple of stores :o)
More pictures to come, but for now it's bedtime!!!! :o)
Peace, Love & FALL!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Back By Popular Demand.....

.....PICTURES!!!! ;o) We are helping our friends move and there was something in the air that made us EXTREMELY hyper and we ended up running out of things to do/got bored and here is what we came up with. Here are some pictures. BEWARE: Scary drawings are below. View at your own risk......and don't say I didn't warn you. :o)
Alaina gave me an art lesson on the box.

The Son with rocket shoes :o)

My hairy mole lady with freaky hair and a double chin :o)

Alaina (the professional artist) and her double chin man who is eating  :o)
Christopher in his " house". Note: See his little doggy at the bottom? Love that Little Guy! :o)

Hahahahha! Offical new language alert*** We now speak Pig Latin! Bahahaha!
I have had a blast helping pack up everything.......now the "even more fun than packing up" time......UNPACKING!!!!!! LURVE it! :o)
Happy Saturday, Folks!

Peace, Love & Oatmeal Cinnamon Chip Cookies :o)