
Monday, September 23, 2013

Summer has left the building....

Thank God it's time for cooler weather! Usually Summer is the busiest season of the year, but this year it's different. The WHOLE year has been busy. Busy is awesome! I don't have time to type up some long post with all the details, so here are more pictures.
While everyone else was at NAYC we went and seen "Smurfs 2" before Kelli left for college. Fun night!

Love this crazy girl! @ a youth rally

The bestest friends EVER! @a youth rally

More of my lovely friends- @ a youth rally

We get along really well. :oD On the way to the youth rally

Give us a camera and a chair and we will make a memory :o)

More friends-@ a youth rally

 Mrs. Chicago from one of our three Youth Nursing Home Churches- It's so much fun!

We LOVE Gloria!

Miss Natalie and I @ Azle youth rally

Love her so mucho! 

Lauren and I- @ Azle youth rally

Tanner is back! Miss this crazy dude. @Azle youth rally

Lia Marie :oD Love her! @ Azle Youth rally

My brother and I- @ Azle youth rally

My Nana and I- @ Azle youth rally

My car load :oD We might have taken this picture while I was driving, but don't worry, it was at red light  :oD

We were PROBABLY driving down the highway at 70 for this one. :oP 

Love singing with such talented young people. Hard work and lots of practice pays off in the end. :o) @ Azle youth rally

Natalie and I- LOVE her!

Kelli and I- LOVE her!

Love both of these girls!

Some of the kids from Butler Boy's & Girl's Club. One of our four clubs that we teach at. We teach over 600 kids about Jesus every single month. LOVE it!

More kiddos from Butler B&G Club

Jessica- Such a sweet girl.

This kid is a hoot! :oD

Michael and I- He is getting so big!
Well, that's it for now. Tune in next time to see pictures from our Ranger's game trip. :o)

Peace, Love and Autumn!