
Monday, April 18, 2011

Cookies, Friends, Awesome Church=O-MAZIN' Weekend

Yep! You have read it right I ATE COOKIES! Well, technically they are crunchy peanut butter crackers dipped in white chococolate (CHOCOCO-LATE) but who is being technical here?! :)They were SOOOO yummy! :) I had a very fun weekend hanging out with my besties. :) We have some furnay memories, people! :)
AND OMW!!!!!!!!! The services today (and last Sunday) were phenominal!!!!! Bro. A. D. Spears spoke directly to me and our church. This morning he talked about "The Left Hand of God". We are like olives. God is squeezing us and taking us through stuff so we can become olive oil so that He can pour us out on others so that they can be blessed. Words cannot describe! And tonight....WOW!!!!! He talked about getting behind our pastor, standing up for him, praying for him and his family, not just a "Bless him, Jesus" type prayer but REALLY praying for him and his family. It was so INCREDIBLE! You would have had to be there! Let's just say if you ever say anything bad about my pastor or his family.....well................. I think you got the point! :P
So, that is my story and I am stickin' to it like SUPAH GLUE!!!!! :)
Peace, Love & SPICY BUFFALO WINGS! (I still can't find wings on buffalo's....I even GOOGLED it! They must not really have wings) :)